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Toronto, ON
M5B 2G9
Toronto, ON
M5B 2G9

Power through the pandemic with these mindfulness strategies.
We’ve all been put to the test with the new COVID-19 lifestyle, although everyone deals with crises in different ways. Many Canadians are struggling with their mental health, and you likely know friends and family members who are too. It’s a lot to take in. During this time, you are not alone in how you feel and in the struggles you are faced with. We wanted to share some practices to maintain your mental health, which are particularly relevant to all the folks working from home:
Spend some time throughout the day meditating. It might seem strange, or uncomfortable at first. It may even require some practice before you can really lean into the process. Although, once you get comfortable with meditating, it becomes a great way to really tune into your body. We are so busy with the hustle and bustle of the day, that it's easy to forget that we are just humans and it’s important to take care of the body that we live in. Meditating is particularly useful because it provides benefits that extend beyond stress relief- the art of meditation actually helps us become in tune with ourselves, to be more comfortable in our skin and to be more at peace with our minds.
As much as possible, adhere to a routine that you practice every single day. Routines anchor us, make us feel in control, and empower us to make the best use of our time. It’s one of the best ways to deal with change. Additionally, routines provide health benefits including reduction in anxiety and stress. After all, trying to remember all of the items on your to do list, without a routine can be overwhelming and not to mention insanely difficult.
This may sound like a no-brainer, but it’s importance cannot be stressed enough. Prioritizing your health habits including getting a sufficient amount of sleep, eating healthy and exercising daily. Getting adequate sleep actually plays a vital role to your physical health and mental health. When you’re sleeping, your body is healing and preparing for the next day. If you’re sleep deficient, you may experience challenges when problem solving, learning, and during conflicts.
When it comes to your diet, it’s no secret that the foods we consume directly influence our moods and the ways in which we feel. After all, your output (mood) will be highly impacted by your impact (food consumed).
Finally, exercising has a plethora of health benefits you already know about. But in terms of mental health, exercising is a sure fire way to get that serotonin pumping throughout your veins. Additionally, exercising makes individuals feel more confident, decreases stress, anxiety and depression (in addition to keeping bodies healthy and well functioning).
For more information on resources for your mental health, please take a look at the links below. In the meantime, be kind to your mind!